LFCW - Villeneuve Sur Lot airport
LFCW stands for Villeneuve Sur Lot airport
Here you will find, what does LFCW stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Villeneuve Sur Lot airport? Villeneuve Sur Lot airport can be abbreviated as LFCW What does LFCW stand for? LFCW stands for Villeneuve Sur Lot airport. What does Villeneuve Sur Lot airport mean?Villeneuve Sur Lot airport is an expansion of LFCW
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Alternative definitions of LFCW
View 3 other definitions of LFCW on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LFCV Fillefranche-Rouergue airport
- LFCU Thalamy airport
- LFCT Thouars airport
- LFCS Bordeaux airport
- LFCR Marcillac airport
- LFCQ Graulhet airport
- LFCP Pons airport
- LFCO Chocha airport
- LFCN Nogaro airport
- LFCM Larzac airport
- LFCL Lasbordes airport
- LFCK Mazamet airport
- LFCJ Jonzac airport
- LBI Le Sequestre airport
- LFCI Le Sequestre airport
- LFCH La Teste De Buch airport
- LFCG Antichan airport
- LFCF Figerac airport
- LFCE Gueret airport
- LFCD Andernos-Les-Bains airport